Brahui Poetry Collection of ALAM AJEEB

Alam Ajeeb

Mr. Alam Ajeeb, Original name is Alam Khan. Born February 1, 1976, He is native of Nushki, Balochistan.Studies in SIndh agriculture university Tandujam, is a DVM doctor.
No doubt if I say without Alam Ajeeb Brahvi Poetry is incomplete obviously no one can ignore it. Alam Ajeeb has a wonderful style of poetry which hardly touch any ones heart. Personally I love Alam Ajeeb's Brahvi Poetry.Alam Ajeeb is author of 3 books
1. Henar
2. Deeda
3 Ziragh
He also awarded by two time.
Alam Ajeeb

Ajeeb's Poetry

Brahvi Ghazal by Alam Ajeeb
Brahvi Ghazal

Brahvi Ghazal by Alam Ajeeb

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