Natural & Mineral Resources in Balochistan

Mineral Resources in Balochistan
Balochistan is one of the richest region in south asia by her natural recources,  Balochistan possesses amazing unexplored potential of metallic & non-metallic minerals. Currently, the minerals being exploited are:

Iron Ore


The Balochistan coal will cater to the prevailing and future energy demand of country to a awesome extent. over 90 percent of coal is dispatched to different provinces to be used in brick kilns. Its reserves are found in


Sizable deposits of this mineral are found at district Muslimbagh, district Killa Saifullah. district Lasbela, district Khuzdar, Kharan and district Chaghi  have chromite reserves. personal sector has been engaged in mining this mineral.


The biggest deposit of barite is found close to Khuzdar with a complete reserve of over a pair of.00 million tones. Scientific mining also as grinding of this mineral started in 1976. nearly the entire production of barites is consumed regionally by OGDC and alternative oil drilling firms.


Sulphur deposits are offered at Koh-e-Sultan in District Chaghi. 3 main deposits are clustered round the Southern half the extinct volcano, Koh-e-Sultan. The deposits are of fumaroles origin and native sulphur is found in cracks and as impregnation in volcanic tuffs. The Chief use of Sulphur is that the producing of sulfuric acid etc.


Large commercially exploitable deposits are found throughout district Chaghi, ranging from Dalbandin and increasing to the borders of Iran. Some deposits are situated near Pak-Afghan border areas particularly  Siah-Chang, Jhulli, Patkok, Zardkan,  Zeh, Chilgazi, Maskichah,and Buttak.

Onyx, a dark green marble, found in district Chaghi is of superior quality. Onyx of best quality is found in dstrict Bolan, Lasbela and Khuzdar districts...

Iron Ore

District Chaghi, a mineral rich region, possesses nearly 30 million tonnes of iron ore. Geological Survey of Pak, in a report, mentioned that there are 1 to 7 meters thick hematitic sedimentary ironstone bed of Jurassic age(150 million years old) at the contact of Chiltan Limestone, & Sember formation of Cretaceous age (150-65 million years old) near Johan in Dilband (Ispilinji) area of Mastung district. The reserves have been tentatively estimated at over two hundered million tonnes.


This is a relatively newly discovered mineral. Its deposits are found in district Lasbela.


Limestone exists in abundance in many parts of our Balochistan. Several hundred meters thick layers of limestone, at places dolomitic, occur in Chiltan Formation of Jurassic age in district Quetta and district Kalat. Limestone of Cretaceous age, 300-50 meters thick, is widely found in Balochistan. Harnai, Sor Range, and Spintangi areas have reserves of limestone.


Sulphor deposits are available at Koh.e.Sultan in district Chaghi. 3 main depoit are clustered around the southern half o the extinct volcano, Koh.e.Sultan. The deposits are of fumaralic origin and native sulphor is found in vugs, cracks, and as impregnation in volcanic tuffs. The chief use of sulphor is I the manufacturing of sulphuric acid and explosives.