Ma Chuken Balochani English Lyrics

The famous great, honorable and beloved national anthem of Baloch Nation " Ma Chuke Balochani" written by Majeed Gwaderi. Brahvi Time Team bring for you Balochi National Anthem's Ma Chuke Balochani in English Lyrics.....

Read Ma Chuke Balochani In Balochi

are the sons of the Baloch,
Free and sovereign,
Masters of our own destiny;

The earth panics from our wrath,
Castles shake in fear,
We are tigers,
Fearless defenders (of those who seek our help);

We are an encouragement to our fathers,
The pride and honor of our mothers and sisters,
Support of our brothers;

Our blo
od one day,
Will be required by our nation,
We will prove to the lullabies given by mothers;

We have sucked the milk of honor honor,
In the shadow of swords,
Red blood in our eyes shows descent from martyrs;

We are defenders of the helpless and the poor,
We have destroyed the castle of terror,
The days of oppression have gone foreve